Reinwood Infant & Nursery School

School Meals

School Lunches

Our school lunches are excellent and have won a healthy eating Gold Award for their standard. Lunchtime is 11:30am. to 12:45pm. There is a wide choice of main course and desserts and drinks are also provided.  

Each day there is a halal or vegetarian choice.

The school kitchen is able to meet a range of dietary and allergy requirements. Special diets can be arranged by meeting with the school cook or Kirklees Catering Services.

Click HERE to see the menu (starting December 4th, 2023).

Packed Lunches
The contents of a packed lunch can include sandwiches, chocolate biscuits, yogurts, fruit, a drink etc., but no sweets, bars of chocolate, cans or glass bottles of drink, nuts or food items which contain nuts.
   Please remember the children are only little, so pack a sensible amount of food for them to be expected to eat.



Breakfast Club
A nutritious start to the beginning of the day is essential in ensuring that children are ready to learn and gain the most from their time in school. It is with this in mind we school breakfast club that provides a nutritional start to each day. The Breakfast Club opens at 7:45 a.m. every weekday and takes place in the Junior dining room. After the children have received a healthy breakfast there is a variety of games and activities for them to take part in. Our youngest children in this club are then delivered safely to their class by the breakfast staff when school starts.

After School Club

This club runs from the end of the school day until 5.30pm every weekday and again is held in the Junior dining room. A meal is offered during this club e.g. wraps, beans on toast, pizza etc.  The children have a section of activities and games available as well as sets and craft.


Both of these clubs are very popular - any questions please ring the school office.

School Milk

Burfitts Road, Oakes, Huddersfield, HD3 4YL

01484 651103