Reinwood Infant & Nursery School


Here at Reinwood Infant and Nursery School, we take the safety of our children and staff very seriously. We recognise it is all of our responsibility, in accordance with ‘Safeguarding and Child Protection’, to ensure that Reinwood is a secure and safe learning place for our children. On this page you will be able to find all our safeguarding information.

A recent Local Authority ‘Safeguarding audit’ (July 2021) that we asked for, said about our school:

“Headteacher and governor understanding of safeguarding is clear and robust.”
“There is evidence that all staff have read and understood the 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'.”
“School has a good self assessment document in place.”
“It is clear from speaking with staff that they are confident in identifying where some low lever support would be beneficial and recordings show a sensitive approach in working with these families.”

In school, all adults are required to wear an identity badge, which reassures all pupils and staff that the people they are seeing around school are allowed to be there.  We encourage everyone to question anybody in school that does not have one of our badges/lanyards on. 

The lanyards you will see around school:


(DBS seen)

(escorted visitor/DBS not seen)



Mrs Symonds – Headteacher

Designated Lead for Safeguarding

Mrs Alderton

KS1 Leader and English Coordinator

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Jowett – Chair of Governors

Governor for Safeguarding

Mrs Conquest – Deputy Headteacher,
Inclusion Manager

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Hoult


In school we use CPOMS.  CPOMS is a software application for monitoring child protection, safeguarding and other pastoral and welfare issues such as behaviour and domestic issues.   Using CPOMs, school can ensure that students are safe and dully supported.  Every member of staff across school has an obligation to report concerns they may have. CPOMS allows them to record information in a central place and have the relevant people alerted immediately.  Senior Leaders are able to build a chronology around a child and can produce reports on vulnerable pupil groups for case conference meetings, governors and Ofsted at the touch of a button.

Safeguarding is a standard item on the weekly Staff meeting agenda and on the Senior Leadership Meeting agenda. 

At least one of our members on the interview panel undergoes “Safer Recruitment’ training every three years. 

Follow this link to our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.

Operation Encompass 

Operation Encompass is a police and education early information sharing partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support for children and young people experiencing domestic abuse. Information is shared by the police with a school's trained DSL prior to the start of the next school day after police officers have attended a domestic abuse incident thus enabling appropriate support to be given, dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child.

Children experiencing domestic abuse are negatively impacted by this exposure; domestic abuse has been identified as an Adverse Childhood Experience and can lead to emotional, physical and psychological harm. Operation Encompass aims to mitigate this harm by enabling immediate support, making a child's day better and giving them a better tomorrow. 

Operation Encompass directly connects the police with schools to secure better outcomes for children who are subject or witness to police-attended incidents of domestic abuse. Rapid provision of support within the school environment means children are better safeguarded against the short-, medium- and long-term effects of domestic abuse.

Prevent in Schools

Prevent is a Government policy to help reduce and eliminate extremism. 

It has four main points or “pillars”, which are: 

  • To contest 
  • To pursue 
  • To protect 
  • To prepare 

All staff in school have had training around prevent and what to do in such a situation.

"The school recognises the multicultural, multi-faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom, and therefore those it serves. It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups, or individuals within the school, are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them." (Safeguarding Audit 2021)


Guests and Visitors 

  • MUST sign in at the office and collect a visitor’s badge.  This lanyard must be worn visibly throughout your visit.  Please sign out when you leave.
  • Behave in a respectful, fair and professional manner at all times to ensure that children under our care feel comfortable, respected and safe. 
  • Be aware that we have a Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which can be accessed through our website.  (if you require a paper copy, please speak to the member of staff you are visiting).  This policy guides the behaviour of all adults who work with or around children at Reinwood I & N School. 
  • Pass on any information or concern even if you are unsure whether the behaviour is abusive.  It is better to report an incident than not and ensure that our children are protected and safe from harm. 
  • Never promise unconditional secrecy or confidentiality to a child, especially if they are in danger or are talking about abuse, harm, risk or personal safety. 
  • All adults visiting our school need to be aware that they are responsible for their own behaviour.  As a visitor to our school, should you have any concerns about a child at risk of harm, or child abuse, you are expected to follow the same procedures as any other adult working in the school and in accordance with our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies.  
  • If you have any worries or concerns about a child or the conduct or behaviour of adults who work with the children at Reinwood I & N, please speak to the member of staff you are visiting who will discuss this with the Designated Safeguarding Leaders.  The Designated Safeguarding Lead will then log the concern/incident on CPOMS. 
  • We also want to ensure that as a visitor to the school that you are safe and can access support and guidance in matters relating to safeguarding and child protection.  

Alternatively, if you think a child in Kirklees is being abused or mistreated or have a concern about a child’s well-being you should call and speak to someone at one of the following numbers: 

Duty and Advice Team: 01484 456848

Emergency Duty Service: 01484 414933

(outside office hours)

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000

Burfitts Road, Oakes, Huddersfield, HD3 4YL

01484 651103